Ko te Rahina 25 O Te Here - Turi - Koka Tenei Ra
When Rachel was younger, she was really scared of clowns. Only because when she was younger a clown tried to kill her and her family, until the police arrived. As they dragged the criminal he said in a raspy voice, ‘It’s not over’. Ever since then Rachel stayed as far as she could away from clowns.
“Mum guess what?” asked Angelica (Rachel’s 6 yr old daughter).
“What?” Her mother politely answered.
“Our school is going on a trip to the circus tonight.” said Angelica.
“Honey, you’ve told me a million times - Don’t forget to give your permission slip okay. Be careful and stay next to the teachers at all times.” said Rachel, with a neverous look on her face.
Angelica hopped out of the car and ran to class. As Rachel was driving home, she noticed a homeless man on the side of the road, hold a can halfway filled with spare change. Being a caring and loving person she jumped out of her car and gave him her spare $2.30. “Thank you dear” Said the man.
“No worries” Answered Rachel. As she turned to hop into the car, the man whispered,
‘It’s not over.’
“Pardon?” Said Rachel. The man was gone.
“Sorry I’m late, Mrs Gates.”
“It’s ok Angelica. Are you ready?”
“Yes Miss.” answered Angelica.
The class ran into the bus and sat with their classmates. Angelica was a quiet person, so she sat by herself. “Hey Angelica, why are you by yourself?” said Ainsley. “Because she’s a loser!” yelled out one of her friends. Most of the girls on the bus laughed but some didn’t take any notice. Angelica wanted to bawl her eyes out, but also wanted the girls to think she’s strong and decided not to. The children of room 3 sat down on their seats and waited for the show to start. The kids laughed and screamed in excitement and roared as 10 clowns exited
The kids were already to hop onto the bus until they realised, two people were missing. Angelica and Ainsley. “Mrs Gates? Are you here?” As Angelica walked through a big hall, her feet echoed. “It’s not over.” The voice was heard as if it were so close. As Angelica walked through the dim alley, she saw a light at the end. The closer she got, the further the end of the alley went. “HELP! HELP ME!” Angelica recognised that voice. It was Ainsley. Angelica could’ve turned away and left to find another way out but she didn’t. She decided that she wanted to help her. For some reason, the screams were intriguing to Angelica and decided to follow. The screams go closer until Angelica got to a dark door. “Hello?” Whispered Angelica. The light flickered on and a snicker was heard. In the corner of the room crept a clown, with a smile as wide as a banana and teeth as pointy as a sharks. “Hehehehehehe.” The Clown snickered with a grin. “What do you want?” Said Angelica. She wanted to shout it out but her voice only came out with a whisper. Ainsley came out of the corner and hugged Angelica. “Help me. He wants to take me away.” Ainsley whispered into her ear. “Dont’ listen to her.” The clown said. “Come with me and we can be friends forever.” Yelled the clown. Angelica had to make a decision. She could could befriend the clown and kill her school bully or run away with Ainsley and risk her life. As Angelica opened her mouth to talk, everything went pitch black. 
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