Friday, 29 August 2014
Royal Designs!
This is a picture of of the designs for my group. On the top is a picture of our clips. On the bottom is a picture of the ribbon that we are going to stick onto our headbands. These are the designs we have made so far.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Royal Hair Accessories Banner
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Chinese Quotes
This is a picture of a chinese qoute that I re - copied. The way you say this in chinese is 'Dang Ju Zhe Mi'. This in english means, 'You can't see the forest for the trees, but onlookers see the whole game.'
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Ear - Splitting Scream
“Hey, Christina, do you want some help with that?” Yelled out Ash.
“No, it’s okay, I’m nearly finished anyway.” Answered Christina. Ash and his newly wedded wife wanted to celebrate, so they decided to go camping. As they drove to the Grasslands camping grounds, a bucket of rain fell from the sky and smashed against the windscreen of the car. “Where did all that come from?” asked Christina.
“Mother nature I guess” Answered Ash. He quickly hit the brakes as he saw a figure on the road. “Oh My Gosh!” Yelled Christina. Ash jumped out of the car, only to find nothing but stones. “Ther - there was something out there. I know there was.” Whispered Ash.
Christina and Ash set up their tent, and beds. “Where should we hike first?” Asked Christina. Ash was still in shock but didn’t want to scare his wife so he kept it a secret.
“Why don’t we hike up that mountain over there first, then see how we feel?” Answered Ash. “Okay, I’ll bring the camera to take pictures.” The married couple hiked up the mountain for a good half hour, when suddenly Ash came to a stop. “Why di-” said Christina.
“Ssshhhhhh” Whispered Ash. “Do you hear that?” A deafening scream was heard from miles away. Christina wanted to scream in horror but didn’t want to frighten Ash. The screaming stopped after a while and a car was heard leaving. Christina was taking pictures when Ash said “We need to get back to camp as fast as we can.” Christina nodded and they ran off.
When they had gotten back they hopped into the tent and went to sleep. Christina was awoken by the sound of rain hitting the roof of the tent. She decided to go outside and see if any of the other campers were awake. The camp looked dead and lifeless. All the tents were soaked from the gusts of wind and rain. She heard a rumbling in the trees. “Who’s there?” Christina felt confident but her voice came out as a whisper. She heard a flash then someone ran away. She checked the bushes and found her camera. She looked at pictures she took and dropped it. While she was looking through their photos she saw pictures of Ash and Christina. Sleeping.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Ready - Get Inspired
Friday, 15 August 2014
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Club Kidpreneur Part 2 ($50 Challenge)!
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Club Kidpreneur Part 1 ($50 Challenge)!
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